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سيد الاستغفار اللهم أنت ربي لا إله إلا أنت خلقتني وأنا عبدك وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت أبوء لك بنعمتك علي وأبوء لك بذنبي فاغفر لي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت

مطلوب مشرفين .. كن واحد منهم الان


A definition of science (fractured eye) in the Arabic language a big difference between several meanings and different sources:

* Science as a synonym for knowledge, no recognition Bhakiqth thing and its opposite, ignorance. It is said, "So and so no knowledge of the matter known." In the words of God (Oandh prescience he felt) (star 35). And knowledge are often attributed, in some contexts, the recognition of partial or no to simple concepts of the College and the vehicle is said to "know God" and not say "I found God." [6].
* Science as a synonym or a month as the opposite of certainty and doubt and suspicion, and this sense appears in the Quran in many verses of the Koran, such as the words (and those who were given the book to know that truth from their Lord) (Baqarah 144) and (if you know both of you can see, for sure, hell) (reproduction 6,5) and said, "is to achieve the certainty of faith in the heart of science and to the rank of full knowledge and contrary to suspicion and distrust it" [7].
* Science and is intended to Islamic civilization in the forensic science members are without worldly knowledge [8] [9]. The word and the world-Faqih and diligent in the canon and the assets of the Islamic faith, he says, the Messenger of Allah (Scientists and heirs of the prophets, the prophets did not leave behind dirhams and dinars, but inherited the flag is taken to take its fair share) (Narrated by Abu Dawood). The virtue of science and was commended for his family in many of the Suras of the Holy Quran, such as saying of the holy (God raises you who believe and those who were given science degrees and God of what ye do) expert (argument 11) and (Say: Are those who know and who do not know but remember the men of understanding ) (Al-Zumar 11). And also in the prophetic Alohadit that encourages people to seek knowledge and its work, and communicated, including adaamaha when he said: I heard the Messenger of God says the world's preferred (Abid Kvdili on Odnakm () Then he said that God and his angels and the people of the heavens and the earth, even the ant in its hole and even the fish to pray on the people good teachers) (Narrated by Abu Dawood) [10]. And forensic science is divided into two sections: the first obligation, or that a Muslim has to know about things such as religion and the provisions of Arab land, and the second obligation, so that it is the duty of the collection of the nation and get them to discharge this duty [11].
* Highlights the many meanings of science in the Koran, and is intended by each knowledge system, was legitimate or worldly [12], resulting from meditation, reflection and prudence in nature and its laws, and calls through to the faith in God. This is reflected in many verses, including the verse (did not you see that Allah sends down water from the sky Vokrzina the fruits of different colors and the mountains of new white and red, different colors and black Grabeb (27) and the people and animals and cattle as well as different colors, but fear of God among His slaves that God Forgiving Aziz (28)) (creator) and (Say: Travel in the earth and see how He originated creation, then Allah creates the Hereafter Growing God over all things) (Spider-20) ...
* Science, the modern definition, released at the same time on the way of scientific thinking (see, hypothesis, experiment, formulation) and intellectual system that produce and includes the set of hypotheses and theories, laws and discoveries consistent and harmonious that describe the nature and seeks to attain the truth things [13]. And the word corresponding to science, this definition, in English is "Science" Science (derived from the Latin word scientia meaning knowledge and Knowledge) and also carries the same meaning. This precludes the definition of any phenomenon is viewable and each hypothesis can not be selected for the experiment to prove or refute. And some of them is that mathematics, despite the importance of science, not included in this definition because it does not require watching, and take the axioms and postulates, and deal with abstract objects can not be proven through experience [14]. Mathematics and is also used as a means or births to examine the laws of the universe and

See the book of Ahmed Mostagir: "Introduction to mathematical Offers Arabic poetry" (1987) [2006] Al Ain for publication. and astrology. And mathematics has seen significant shifts focus after the chaos theory and engineering Alxeirip (especially with the work of Edward Lorenz in the seventies of the last century), and led to the emergence of new intellectual format seeks to apply the experimental method in mathematics and math test named [15].

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