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Table of Opticks, 1728 Cyclopaedia

The field of optics (Optics) usually describes the behavior of the visible spectrum, infrared, ultraviolet, and in most of the overall electromagnetic waves and similar phenomena such as X-ray, microwave microwave, radio waves and other types of electromagnetic waves and radiation. Therefore be considered a branch of optics sometimes Electromagnetism. Some optical phenomena depend on quantum mechanics but the vast majority of optical phenomena can be explained and interpreted based on the electromagnetic description of light determined by the laws strictly Maxwell.

Significantly optics field of study is independent of the rest of the branches and the terms of reference so that physics has a separate entity and associations of a particular scientific and special conferences, called the purely scientific aspects of optical physics optics optical physics either applied aspects Dubbed engineering visual optical engineering.

Historically, the Arab world is Ibn al-Haytham 965-1039 m founder of optics by typing the unique landscape, a characterization of the mechanism by which the eye sight of the future light of a single body only, contrary to the theory of Ptolemy, who proposed that the eye light-emitting as well.

Most important applications of optics in the field of technology today is fiber-optic data transmission and lasers.

Optics is the science which deals with light in how to generate and spread either light is a kind of well-known forms of energy such as energy and thermal energy and mechanical and electrical energy, but solar energy appears in the form of special forms of energy is the radiation image, which affect the eye causing vision and turn This energy optical radiation to the species known to the investigation of the principle of Energy Conservation of energy and how to see the eye is not as it was explained that the X-old graduate of the eye you see the body fall to the eye and know that visible light radiation Iwtmr vision in the eye and makes her dependent and the degree of visibility of the visible object on the quantity and type of energy feedback from the body and the eye and you receive all the points on the body is a source of visible radiation from the eye receives all outgoing radiation in the form of conical base are the eye and the peak is the point on the body Shining. Spread light in all directions at very high speeds so it does not exist in our everyday experiences have reason to suspect that the speed of light is not final and less than the speed of light in the media material for example, the speed of light in water is greater than the speed of the diamond. And different light sources from each other in the amount of vibrations from them and thus differ in the amount of energy Aladaaip issued by it and therefore any impact on the vision they differ in wavelength and frequency, and this relationship is clear from the color components of light each and every one of which has a wavelength and frequency of special and differ from the rest of the colors. Maxwell explained that the light is one of the constituent parts of the electromagnetic spectrum

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